Customer Testimonials

Mike Strain

“Fast Reliable hard working team.”

Mike StrainBangor
Daniel Doherty

“Can’t believe the effect a piv unit made to damp/mould in the bedroom mighty job Paul”

Daniel Doherty Monaghan
Ciaran Finnegan

“Excellent professional job done by Paul and the team to our new build clean warm air through out the house.”  

Ciaran Finnegan Portrush
Colin Thompson

“Great firm to deal with clean tidy manner have had a great experience and learned a lot from the Quinair Team”

Colin ThompsonLoughgall
Niall McCanny

“Got the Quinair team to fit the hrv system and take care of the Air Tightness throughout the new build with a great well balanced system second to none well done lads”

Niall McCannyDromore