Heat Recovery Systems NI
What are Heat Recovery Systems NI MVHR
HVAC systems are a air filtration device which can mechanically ventilate your home. This is a requirement in new builds where a low carbon / zero carbon build is required and due to the air tightness of the property will provide fresh pre-heated air into the house. This will help provide your home with fresh air and help stop condensation gathering which could lead to mildew in low energy homes.

MVHR is a whole house ventilation unit, it extracts warm moist air from all wet rooms via ducting to cross flow heat exchanger inside the unit. It then draws in fresh air from outside supply’s through the heat exchanger into all habitable rooms.
A HRV system means you no longer require trickle vent, extraction fans in bathrooms.
Quinair is an independent mechanical ventilation heat recovery company specialist using top brands such as Vent-Axia and Nuaire, all over NI Our aim is too reduce utitily bills in a low energy , passive houses.
We can help you along the process to build a low carbon home with no extra cost!!! Only a few days labour cost’s can save you a lot on your heating bill later when the project is completed.
Why are Heat Recovery Systems Important
HVAC is important in the design of low energy residential homes, where a low air pressure test has been achieved. The HVAC system (also known as MHRV) is required to help stop damp and provide fresh air ventilation without drafts and heat loss associated with opening windows throughout the day. This air can be filtered to a HEPA standard. This can be advantageous with people building new properties in the countryside who suffer from hay fever.
Can I retro-fit this to a mouldy house?
This is a product could be retro-fitted to an older home; however a positive input ventilation unit (PIV) could be a preferable solution which could be discussed on a site visit to your property.
Why choose Quinair?
Quinair have had over 10 years experience in the industry in installing HVAC / PIV / MHVR systems throughout Ireland. We are iATS registered which guarantees the quality of our work. We are locally based and offer a free consultation on your needs either by phone or in person. Contact us for more information.